Title:No Title


category:video art


 No title is catching with approach of aesthetic and keeping priority , visual aspects try to offering images

that in conceptual perspective in coordinate from present situation to more favorable one.(in this case

tree and protecting from it is the subject)

This video is created from multiple plans. All this plans are mentioning serious obstacles in trees


The video is recording final product from arranging in nature. (environmental art) with showing

arrangement from scaffold that gradually in a space that associate the computer game or data zero one,

plan by plan is covering with cotton, until middle of video that we catch the imagination image from tree

and continuation with covering all scaffolds and then gradually removing cotton from them till catching

the image of real tree.

The sound of video tries to make reflection and movement in the video by intentional and specific

spacing in the effectiveness and direct connection with each image.in other words this video is neither

prophetic but it is seeking for video show from present image and with gradual deleting of visual

ingredients achieves this subject image. 


Hungary, Museum knshtalh

Tassvir sale